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Why Do People Get Married?

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Why Do People Get Married?

Because we complete each other’s sentences.

…Because no one inspires me more.

…Because two are stronger than one.

…Because every moment we share is better than the last.

… Well that’s a big mystery

this question bugging me off! genuinely, im fine with that quotes but why do i get married? someday i will, have that moment, its gonna be hilarious and fun party, i guess!

hahaa..funny! last week my mom said when you ready-to-having-a-SERIOUSLY-COMMITMENT, DARRRRLLIINGGG?

well,, i just knew it what is exactly her want to ask me later!

then i said : mom, why you so boring me? why do i get married?

well,, I do not want to try to intervene in her, its kinda funny when you asking this and i cant barely to answer : ” i do, i have my own relatioship with my boy but married is just in front of our way”

haha.. do not what to say, supposed to say that i was so Grumppy!

saya tidak merasa harus hari ini, tahun ini atau berapa tahun setelah saya menulis ini, tapi saya juga tidak seenak nya saja memikirkannya hanya dengan omongan orang yang gampang ditebak!

thats life, people do socialize then make some other life-cycle! even me.

and i am not anti-married! thats not me

i have my own dream to catch, i have my own career to build, i have a boyfriend who loved (MAYBE!), i have this relationship with besties, i have my own things with my happy-life now! i love kids, but not-have to more agressefly to having own baby itself.

saya tidak tahu apa saja yang menjadi tolak ukur untuk segera menikah

There are many reasons, but the most legitimate reason that I have heard is that both partners in a committed relationship want to formalize their long-term commitment to have an exclusive relationship with each other. If this is true for you and your future spouse, then you should think long and hard about the inadvertent consequences of making such a commitment. Circumstances will change, and so will you and your future spouse. Make plans accordingly

I always thought ‘married’ and ‘wedding’ were the same thing,”

“We’ll wait.”

I didn’t think it through too much at the time. Who does?  I was being kissed senseless on a regular basis. Between the kissing and the thousands of dollars of married couples might take in those question is it any wonder that our logic can get a little fuzzy?

When it comes to mid-age life, someone really needs to tell new couples to think this thing all the way through to the bitter end. I’m not talking about aspects of the married that seem like minor details. Yes, the marriage certificate is a legal and binding contract that once signed can only be dissolved by a court action. Yes, it would be a hassle to explaining multiple anniversary dates. Yes, justifying that particular lie to your yet-to-be born children won’t be pretty.

And you are going to do that for what?

Ain’t worth it. I say that not because a couple thou won’t make a big difference to you. I say it not because I don’t want you to irritate and/or infuriate everyone who finds out about it (and they all will). I say that because when you think this through to the bitter end, you have to know that in mid-age life “secret” and “marriage” should never be mentioned in the same sentence.

well just my opinions! people might have their own preception.

i am not scare to married im just not ready for doing it, so?

the best title is “why do i get married, soon?” lol

About Rinny Hafid

i am a part time WORKER, a part time CHEF and a FULL-TIME TRAVELER!

4 responses »

  1. Harsya Abimael

    wie schon, dass du gescriben! aber ich bin wirklich Interesse mit dich Gedanken!!
    gefalt es mir

  2. kali ini gw sepaham ma lo.. Gw jg bfikir gak hrs skrg kan, msh ada cita2, keinginan yg pgn kita wujudin dulu.. Mungkin karna saaat ini blm ktmu “jodoh”-nya kali y ^^.. Nah mumpung juga sih, gw pgn sejahterain gw dulu..

    Jrg2 kan kita sepaham :P..

  3. hahahaahhaaa… SEPAHAM? really? about what? hahahaa
    betul ndroo.. masiiihh banyaak banget yg dipikirin.. apalg anak bakrie udah pada married,, nyari ampas masa? hahahaha
    emang iya, kita jarang sepaham? dalam hal apa?
    ngejek org? hahahhaha


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